This blog has laid dormant for a few months now, sadly, but like pirates always seem to do has sprung back to life with renewed vigor and interest.
The focus of this blog, in an attempt to have more to discuss besides the 4 or 5 flags I have posted here, will be expanding. Now, I'll be writing about not just the flags and the images on them, but the materials used to create them--canvas, dyes, paint, sewing equipment, etc., historical inaccuracies of pirates in film and popular culture (remind me to tell you all how the other day I completely "ruined" pirates for some of my coworkers), as well as going back into the research presented on the flags I've already done and fixing any errors/mistakes, as well as presenting more ... intense ... background and facts. The best thing about this rebirth of The Truth About Jolly Roger is that it has renewed my trusty sidekick Stephen O'Neill's research, and the potential for new things to be discovered and discussed is quite high!
I must also give a big shout out to Professor O'Neill's Spring 2011 History of Piracy course at Suffolk University, who are going to be reading and commenting for class. Hi, guys! I'll be attending Professor O'Neill's lecture on pirate flags on April 12th, which will be a chance for me to personally answer any questions, take comments, duck from rotten tomatoes, and have a dialogue with the students. So, expect a recap of that.
Next post I'm working on is to answer a very important question that was asked on Blackbeard's post: Why do we need to be historically accurate? A great question, and a very important one to ask, and one that is being asked all over the museum world. So, keep a weather eye out, mateys!